Some ideas for Caves

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Some ideas for Caves

Postby Slenderman » Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:48 am

Hey guys it's super cool
I had a cool idea for your own private caves!This has been talked about for a long while,but right now im just gonna go ahead and give some suggestions for it.My first one is,There should be another bubble or circle on your HUD with a picture of a Couch,This would be furniture and it could only be accessed at your own cave.The furniture would include,Couches,Decoration,Etc.Furniture should cost Silver and gold
My second one is something that the creators might have had In mind if the wanted to add caves.My second one is,Inviting people over to your house and throwing a party!
It is ok if it is to hard to add,or your budget can't get all of this,Creaters take your time and spend your money,I don't want kingdom island to end up like pandanda.I hope you can add some stuff though :lol: .
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Re: Some ideas for Caves

Postby mbetter95 » Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:44 am

Such as rain, snow, storms etc. This has never been done so the idea is waiting to be used! Kingdom Island could be the first virtual world to have weather! The weathering could occur at random times for all the players to make it unpredictable and therefore more exciting and something to look forward to!! :)
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