Guidance to creating bug reports

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Guidance to creating bug reports

Postby Stephen » Fri Dec 27, 2013 7:26 am

When creating topics about bugs that you have found in the game, to help us fix these issues please remember to provide as much detail as possible. This allows us to better track down the issues you are having and fix them.

In particular, you should always try to include:
  • What version of the game you were using? (Android/Android HD/Website/iOS Free/iOS HD)
  • Whether it is just this update or a bug from a previous update still remaining?
  • What were you doing when you found the bug? Also, mention if you were changing back to the app.
  • What happened, in particular there is a difference between the app crashing and reloading/being logged out.

For example, compare "I got banned for no reason!! Please help" to "I was playing on iOS HD, tried to go into the beach and got banned." The first one we have no idea what happened and have to search the server logs for the information. The second, we can instantly go to the code for changing to the beach for iOS HD and see whether there is any reason why a user might get banned for that.

Starting your own topic for each bug that is not related to any other also helps, that way we can keep track of open bugs without having to remember what topics they were all in. Please do not reply to this thread with your bug reports.

-Kingdom Island Dev Team
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