The Game Moderator and You!

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Moderators: Dev Team, S. Moderators

The Game Moderator and You!

Postby Mark » Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:50 am

There has been some confusion lately on just what a [GM] is exactly, so hopefully this will clear things up.

A [GM] is a a game moderator for Kingdom Island. These are the staff members that created the game. Some staff members work on the art, some on the music, and some work just on keeping the game safe. This is denoted in game with a green [GM] next to their name. Game moderators can kick and ban players that are breaking the rules, but they are also there to help you out if you have any questions about the game.

As of September 2013 the only moderators are:

Any player that does not have the [GM] next to their name is not a staff member.
This is what a game moderator looks like in game.

This is what a FAKE game moderator looks like online.
Note that even though this person has the name of a staff member the [GM] next to their name is not a bright green color.

Frequently Asked Questions

A player told me he was a staff member. How do I know if he really is?

If the player does not have a bright green [GM] next to their name then they are not a staff member. If a player messages you privately saying they are a staff member, then chances are they are not a staff member. Just like the Queen of England does not have to announce she is Queen to each individual person, staff members don't have to message individual players saying they are staff members, we know it without having to announce it.

I see a player breaking a rule! What do I do?!

Report the player for breaking the rule using the in game report system. These reports are read and evaluated by the Game Moderators everyday. If necessary you can add a player to your block list which will prevent you from seeing their messages and will stop them from communicating with you. Please do not confront the player or pretend to be a moderator to try and stop them. This generally only makes things worst. You also should not say things like "Johnny broke a rule!". Generally players breaking the rules are seeking attention and it is better to not play into it.

A player is saying he is working for a staff member and helping them "do their job" but he has no green [GM]. What's the deal?

This is also a false claim. We do not "deputize" players to enforce the rules in our stead. Moderators do their work on their own and we do not ask players to do it for us. If we need help we will ask the other moderators to help us, that is why they are there.

Are there secret moderators?

Let's knock out two birds with one stone on this one. A person messaging you saying they are a "secret moderator" is lying and breaking the rules. This is like an undercover cop walking around saying he is a cop, that just defeats the purpose of being undercover. If there are any moderators "undercover" then they won't be advertising it.

If there are no moderators online does that mean the game is unmonitored?

The game is being monitored even if you do not see a moderator online nor does a moderator have to be online to take disciplinary actions against players. Rule of thumb, assume a moderator is always watching and follow the rules. All messages sent in the game are recorded and stored and we can and do read all messages sent in the game, including private ones.

Will a moderator ever ask me for my personal information?

No, we will not. You should never give your personal information out over the internet.

A player was being mean to me and I reported them, but they are still doing it. What can I do?

This is where the block feature comes into play. Adding a player to your block list makes them invisible to you, prevents them from sending you private messages, and prevents you from seeing their messages in general chat. This will most likely end whatever problem was occurring. Unlike the following list, the block list has no limit.

[b]I blocked a player! Does that mean they were banned?

Yes and no. By blocking a player you essentially banned them from seeing you when you play Kingdom Island. This player is still playing the game, you just will not know it. Only Game Moderators can ban players from playing the game. Blocking a player also does not automatically send a report to a moderator. If you want to do that then you will have to use the reporting feature.

I was banned! What did I do?

If any disciplinary action was taken against you then you violated the rules and terms of service that you agreed to upon registering with the game. If you feel the action was unjust then please contact customer support ( and we will review your claim.

I reported a player but I still see him walking around! Why wasn't he banned?!

All reports, and I mean ALL reports are thoroughly investigated by the moderation staff. If a player has in fact earned a ban then they will be banned, but it is up to the moderators whether or not what a player did is worthy of a ban. Just because you see a player also does not mean they were not banned. Depending on what the player did, they may have only been temporarily banned. Reporting a player also does not mean a player will be banned. If the player you reported did not actually break any rules then they aren't going to be banned. Moderators also will not comment on punishments given to other players (this includes siblings, cousins, or anything of that sort).

If I see a moderator in the game can I send them a private message?

Of course! We are here to help, answer questions, chat, and enjoy the game just like you. Just remember we may not always be able to answer you. Sometimes moderators log on to test certain features in the game and if this is the case they may not be able to answer you so do not take it personally.

Am I required to talk to, follow, or give a moderator a "cool outfit"?

A moderator will usually never ask you to follow them or give them a "cool outfit". Moderators will also rarely send a player a private message unless they have a reason to. If you do not want to speak to a moderator then do not send them a private message. However if a moderator sends you a message then you are expected to answer, and it is to your benefit to answer.

If a moderator is online does that mean I or someone else is in trouble?

Not necessarily. Moderators sometimes log on to interact with players or check certain features of the game. A moderator will not tell you if they are there because another player is in trouble. Moderators only discuss disciplinary issues with the offending player.

Am I allowed to lie to the moderators?

You shouldn't lie to anyone. If you lie to a moderator in an attempt to get a player banned then the moderator will know. We can view all messages sent in the game and if that player didn't even interact with you then we will be able to tell. The same apples if a moderator asks you a questions or tells you that you are breaking the rules. If we are there talking to you about it then we obviously know you did it because we saw you do it. Lying to us will only hurt your case and lead to a ban. If we told you that you broke a rule then own up it. Lying to a moderator is a bannable offense and it is enforced.

Another person from my school plays the game and they are bullying me outside of the game. Can a moderator ban them please?

A moderator can only handle issues that happen within the game. If this player does break the in game rules then they will be dealt with. If a person is harassing you outside of the game then please tell a parent or an adult you trust.

Does registering on the forums give me the green [GM] next to my name?

No, the two are completely unrelated. Registering on the forums has no affect on your dragon in-game. Registering on the forums allows you to interact with other members of the Kingdom Island community, give your input on the game, get sneak previews, participate (and maybe even win!) contests, and make some great friends! Once again, the only way to get [GM] next your name is to work for Kingdom Island

I left Kingdom Island open on my device and then left to go do something. My sibling played on my account and got me banned. Can I be unbanned?

You are responsible for the security of your account. This means making sure you log off when you aren't playing and making sure only you know your password (so basically don't tell anyone your password). If it was in fact your friend/cousin/sibling that got onto your account and broke the rules, then that is unfortunate, but the account will have to stay banned. The only time bans are reversed is:
-If you were accidentally banned by the server (and unfortunately this does happen)
-You are legitimately hacked. We have ways to detect this and if this does happen we will do everything in our power to get your account secure and back to you. The definition of hacking has somewhat changed over the past few years so I am going to clarify what "legitimate hacking" is. You leaving the game open and someone else deciding to start playing on your account is not hacking. A person using a program to break the game's code and discover your account's information is hacking. For the record, hacking is a federal crime, so I don't suggest even joking about doing it.
If one of these two situations occurs then email customer support immediately.

I was banned so I made another account and that was banned too, why?!

If you were banned then you did something to earn your ban. Players are expected to accept their bans and wait them out. We can track who owns which accounts and if we catch a banned player making another account after being banned then it will be banned as well. Remember, YOU broke the rules, no one can make you do that. If YOU break the rules then you need to deal with the consequences of your actions. The only person who decides if you get banned from the game is you. If you don't want to be banned then do not break the rules, it is not terribly complicated. Just like if you don't want to go to jail, you shouldn't break the law.

My family member was banned and so was I, but I did not do anything wrong. Why was I banned?

Chances are your family member was IP banned. An IP ban bans your device and stops you from creating new accounts. It will also stop you from logging onto any account already made as well. Unfortunately, sometimes players who did not break the rules are hit in the crossfire of an IP ban. The safety and welfare of players comes first and if we feel a player needs an IP ban then the IP ban will stay. If this has happened then we apologize, but the actions of your family member or friend playing on your IP is what lead to you being banned.

Why aren't things like dating allowed?

If something is against the rules, like dating, then it is for a reason. If the staff sees that players can't handle something (like dating) then they will make it against the rules for the protection of the players. Please keep in mind that the Kingdom Island staff has years of online community moderation experience behind them and we do know what we are doing. We don't make things against the rules just because we can and we don't ban players just because we can. Everything is done with the intention of keeping you, the player, safe.

What if I don't want to follow the rules?

Then you will be banned from the game and no longer allowed to play. The rules are not optional.

Can I view the rules anywhere in the game?

Yes! The rules are located right next to Elmer in the Harbor and on your User ID. It is highly recommended that all players read the rules since you are required to follow them whether you read them or not.

Are NPC's moderators?

Nope, NPC's are the local inhabitants of Kingdom Island. NPC's cannot and will not handle ANY customer support issues.

I was talking to someone and was banned. I am pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong, I was just talking about my dog.

This unfortunately happens. The server will automatically ban someone who it thinks is using inappropriate language. Moderators do try to investigate each ban to make sure they were legitimate, but if this happens to you then please contact customer support and we will reverse the ban.

Can a moderator give me silver, HD, or gold for free?

Moderators will sometimes hold contests to give out silver. Under no circumstances though will a moderator give out gold or HD for free unless the player has won an official contest. Please do not ask moderators for any free items, silver, or gold. You will be told no and kicked from the game if you continue to ask.

I was banned from the game and I want my parents to talk to you about it. How can I have my parents talk to you?

We are more than happy to address any questions, comments, or concerns your parents might have as to why you were banned from the game. Please have your parent contact us by going to this page:
We will be gladly share with your parents the reason as to why you were banned from the game.

I think someone from my school is playing the game because their username is the same as their real life name! Can I ask them in the game if they go to my school?

No, you should not. There are billions of people in the world and billions of these people share the same name. If you ask the player if they go to the same school as you then you are giving away a lot of information about yourself. Based on your school alone, a person can determine what state you are in, what town you live in, and where to find you five days a week between certain hours, which is extremely dangerous. Assume you do not know anybody when you are playing the game and don't give out your personal information. Personal information includes, but is not limited to your address, phone number, full name (your first and last name), school, town, or any social media accounts (Facebook, Skype, kik, instagram, snap chat, etc). You would not walk up to a stranger outside of the game and give them this information, so you shouldn't do it inside of the game either. If you think your friend plays the game then ask them outside of the game. If they don't play the game then invite them to so you can have fun together!

Can I be a moderator?!

Moderators are hired as they are needed. When the administration decides more are needed, more will be recruited. Moderators must be 18 years old or older for legal reasons, have prior experience in online community moderation, proficiency in the English language, and be a good fit for the job. Moderators are game employees and either applied for the position when there was an opening and was then interviewed to see if they would be a good fit, or they were recruited to be one due to their credentials. It is a staff position on Kingdom Island just like programmers and artists, it is not handed out to players as a reward for good behavior. You can help the moderators out by reporting any players you see violating the rules. Please note that sending a lot of reports will not make you a moderator. It is the quality of reports that matters not the quantity. If you send too many false reports then you will be banned.


Feel free to message any staff members with any further questions or problems.

See you around the Island!
Semper Curatio
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