I have been thinking... Kingdom Island needs like a "Town Center" region. Meaning like, a central area for people to hang out, and has a bunch of buildings. Well, I went working on something and thought of maybe a place just like that. It could be located in front of the Theatre. It features buildings such as Clothing Shops, Furniture Shops (for our caves), and whatever other buildings you guys can think of! ^.^ By having this, players can start off here, which gets them started. They have the first options of going to buildings, and they learn on their own.
Here's where it will be located on the map.
I basically designed a quick little version of how it could look. This is the left side, including a clothing store and something else. (ignore my horrible drawings of shirts)
What do you guys think? I'd love to hear from everyone if thatd be a good idea.
UPDATE: Viper and I came up with the idea to add a Pub. Designing the right side of the room now. Lemme know of any other buildings/areas you can think of!
UPDATE #2: I have now added a Pet Shop thanks to the dieas of Viper Here you can purchase little Bugs!