Creating a Virtual World

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Creating a Virtual World

Postby Alex Eskimo » Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:54 am

I was just wondering, what programs are used to create Kingdom Island?

Also, do you use a lot a coding? If so, which programs do you put code into?

That will be all for now. Thank you.
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Re: Creating a Virtual World

Postby Tony » Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:05 am

A lot of codes. Not just "one program". It's a ton of stuff.

Coding? Yes it was C++. You put the code into a program called XCode.
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Re: Creating a Virtual World

Postby Alex Eskimo » Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:13 am you use SmartFoxServer or ElectroServer or something?

I know you use Flash, but do you use stuff like Flash Builder and FlashDevelop?
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Re: Creating a Virtual World

Postby Tony » Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:55 pm

Alex Eskimo you use SmartFoxServer or ElectroServer or something?

I know you use Flash, but do you use stuff like Flash Builder and FlashDevelop?

Nope there is no Flash used at all. The game is downloaded, that's why there is no loading and is a lot faster than competing games.

We are confirming that HTML5 works with our Framekit. I would say before 2012 we'll have the game playable here on too.

I 100% against anything Flash by the way. I'll never produce a game that runs off Flash, especially Kingdom Island.
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Re: Creating a Virtual World

Postby Alex Eskimo » Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:08 pm

Thats very interesting. I always thought of Flash as the base of a MMO, but I did forget that KI is an iOS game, so it couldn't be Flash. I plan on eventually creating a Virtual World. I have yet to get the programs and learn coding. Is C++ a language you can learn or do you have to learn different codes seperately and memorize them?
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Re: Creating a Virtual World

Postby Tony » Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:32 pm

I don't code C++ so I wouldn't be able to tell you. There is a lot more that goes into a MMO as well. It's not easy stuff.
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Re: Creating a Virtual World

Postby Alex Eskimo » Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:34 am

vultren wrote:I don't code C++ so I wouldn't be able to tell you. There is a lot more that goes into a MMO as well. It's not easy stuff.

Yeah, I'm kinda intimidated by coding and what goes into making a game...but thanks for all these answers! It was helpful!
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Re: Creating a Virtual World

Postby Stephen » Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:02 am

Bit of a gap since the last past but there wasn't anything in the rules about it and I thought I could add something to it from the non-iOS side.

It really depends what you mean by virtual world, it's possible to develop a virtual world, but then there is also the issue of getting people to use it. I'll stick to the developing as that's by far the easier one, I'm sure the owners of this game will agree that getting a lot of people to play the game regularly is difficult.

With Flash (which is used for a lot of online virtual worlds of the KI type) there's software such as SmartFoxServer as mentioned above which handle a lot of the server side for you. They have an avatarChat.swf example, which is fairly like a virtual world. Just change the background, sort out a change room, direction facing code and some room boundaries (so you can't walk on the sky) then you have something which does quite a bit of what you want it to do.

On the other hand I created a multiplayer virtual thing with a PHP extension which created a Flash client (a little unusual and took the PHP extension way beyond it's intended use) with a PHP server. Had a fair bit of code 6411 lines (including 3174 for the server for multiplayer mini games) and the client 6115 lines (including 2369 for the mini games) of PHP code. This of course was fairly complicated as it had accounts, items, rooms (including a hidden one), colours, games, friends, mods (and a whole lot of bugs). I could program before I made it, so whilst I didn't feel too challenged by the code, I then had the situation of hardly anyone playing it. In the end not enough people played it to make it worth continuing to update it so the project ended (and the server closed).

To be able to make a game, it's really advisable to be able to program (or have someone who can) sufficiently first. Trying to learn it just to make a game is a difficult task, as you really need to be on top of it to be able to create something that's not a mess. If someone really can program, a MMO isn't too challenging, but there's more to it than that there's also the whole graphics and art side of things, as well as getting people to play. I wouldn't advise anyone to try doing it on their own, it's a lot of work for one (or even two) person to be able to do. Sorry for the long post, but hope this helps you.
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Re: Creating a Virtual World

Postby Alex Eskimo » Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:45 am

No worries Stephen, the longer the post the better :D Thank you for all of this information! It was very helpful and you seem very experienced.
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Re: Creating a Virtual World

Postby Poachkama » Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:58 pm

Is C++ Microsoft Visual C++? I tried downloading it, and it won't let me. Please provide me a link I really want to make my own game like KingdomIsland.
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