looking for a programming job

Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:28 pm
by Dream
Hi tony or all the other gm i need a job about programming i couldnt find the page about it anyway i n
Know quite a few languages so i am looking froward to be hired
Re: looking for a programming job

Tue Apr 23, 2013 1:31 pm
by Stephen
There is a jobs page at the following address http://kingdomisland.com/jobs.php . You must have the skills requested and we would expect to see examples of previous work. Unfortunately we can try not train people on the job and therefore are only looking to recruit experienced professionals.
I repeat what I believe I said to you on game, that I don't think you are ready for a role on the staff team. The page also gives details on how to apply, applications are not accepted over these forums (so have locked this thread). Please only contact us if you do meet out requirements, as we'd focus on developing the game than handling speculative applications. Thank you for your interest.